God is within her, she will not fall

God is within her, she will not fall

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The future freaks me out

Guten Tag,

Before I went into high school I thought it was going to be the hardest thing, there would be more homework, more extra curricular things, everything was just going to be more difficult for me. I remember in 10th grade when all I wanted to do was graduate, I simply couldn't wait two more years to get out of high school.
Well, in reality my days inside of West Senior High are numbered. I have one trimester, 10 weeks of school left in high school. What has turned out to be the easiest part of my life, is coming to a close. Last night at the musical performance I sat down at looked at all of my fellow classmates, two emotions stirred inside of me. One was that my heart just overflowed with love for each of them, each one holds a unique place in my life, some keep me in line, some make me laugh, some make me think. The love is too much to really captivate using mere words. The second emotion I felt was sadness, once we graduate and spend our summer, the fall will take each of us hostage and pull us in different directions and we may not see each other again. I want to savor my moment left with them because come June 12th I am thrown out of my comfort zone. I am hopefully leaving to North Carolina. I will meet all new people, in an all new town, in a whole new state. God will bless this, he will bless us all.

I will be ready (hopefully)

God is Love,

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