God is within her, she will not fall

God is within her, she will not fall

Monday, January 27, 2014


Day in and day out I sit in my office at Munson. I sit here listening to the clicking of keyboards, the voices of the lobby, the phone ringing, and to my thoughts.
Today...today it feels somehow different. It's like having a realization that my time in this chair, in the office is limited to the next month and a half, which is scary. And not scary in the "I just watched The Shining and now I'm scared." or even "I have no idea what's coming so I'm afraid of the unknown.", it's a good scary. A crazy scary. A wild scary. A scary that is experienced when one surrenders their will and desires over to The One who will mold and shape what we has planned into what He wants and sees and knows is best for us.
At least 10 times a day I am seized with fear of not fundraising enough money or leaving my job and a steady source of income. I'm walking on the water and trusting Jesus to not let me drown. This is a good scary, this is a satisfying scary, because walking in the will of Jesus is something that cannot be explained, only felt. It is a comfort and peace that surpasses any and all understanding I thought that I had in my life.

He feeds and takes care of the sparrows friends, He will also take care of you and I, we only have to trust Him.

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