God is within her, she will not fall

God is within her, she will not fall

Sunday, May 16, 2010

anxiety is washed away

I have been praying about my future for a while.
I know God has a HUGE plan for me, and this plan is perfect.
Through all of this He's taught me that I need to rely on Him for everything, and that I should never get comfortable, because He will continue to mold me, and shape me.
He has taught me to live without fear, and to love fearlessly.
He has made it almost impossible for me to hold on to any sense of negative human emotion. Hurt, sadness, regret, shame, anger, anything. When I think about the way that God LOVES me, it is impossible to feel anything but happiness, joy, peace, thankfulness, hope. It is amazing.

I applied to YWAM Charlotte. I feel a HUGE calling from God to go into missions, and this is the place he's lead me to. I prayed about it for a few weeks and decided to go through with applying. I mailed it in last week, and should be hearing back from them early this week.
I have a good feeling about this.

I am praying God will take away any sense of anxiety that I feel.
It is satan trying to plant doubt inside me, guess what Satan? Not gonna work.
Ecclesiastes 11:10 "So then, BANISH ANXIETY from your heart..."
Psalm 91!!

God is Love,

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