God is within her, she will not fall

God is within her, she will not fall

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


9.25.09 (from my journal)

Guten Morgen
Today started off with Bel Canto, Mrs. Brazee was gone today, again. I led the class with the assistance of my trusty right hand woman, Nikohl. Class started off uneventful, the usual "Hey how are you?" "what did you do last night?" and so on. But the morning was quickly spiced up with some of my personal stories, I decided to share the infamous story of my sister Amanda, and her boyfriend Brandon, and of course their gorgeous baby Tao.

I have realized that some of the funniest times that happen to me, or even some of the worst things that happen to me (by making them funny, the kind of situation when it's not funny when it happens, but it is afterward), have a way of cheering other people up, girls I haven't seen smile since school started smiled today in class. I love making people happy.
On another note, i have developed a conspiracy theory against my school, I think that the recycling they say they take to the "recycling" really just goes back into the trash. So, i have decided to hand take all of my recycling to the recycling center. This helps not only me, and my comfort, but also the environment. I may save a tree or two, and I have never been more pleased.
God is love.

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